We are tremendous happy and honoured that our most succesful puppy bitch, Vadászpajtás Augo-Dromas “Latka” [Quatro of Skyrocket x Angyal] has found a loving home at Beata Soloveja in Jurmala (Latvia). Our princess has become a queen among the Vizslas. Together with Csipkéskúti Matróz and the newest acquisition Bilán of Skyrocket they are the basic of the Hungarian Vizslas in Jurmala.
Beata is not only a very reliable partner but, with her family, also a great friend.
Latka is Multi Champion and Winner and expecting in the autumn of 2012 a litter with Int. Ch. Xaxo of Skyrocket from Sint Petersburg (Russia), the brother of our Xavéria.

Vadászpajtás Augo-Dromas "Latka"
Information and news: www.vizslaslv.com, or contact us.